* A report (document GC/62/15) was submitted to the Sixty-second Session of the Governing Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, proposing options for a potential amendment to Article XIII of the IARC Statute, relating to the withdrawal from participation in the Agency. In the event that the Governing Council adopted a resolution on the matter before the conclusion of the Seventy-third World Health Assembly, the proposed amendment was submitted for acceptance by the Health Assembly in document A73/31, subject to the decision of the IARC Governing Council. However, at its Sixty-second Session, the Governing Council adopted resolution GC/62/R17, in which, inter alia, it requested that additional options be examined and decided to defer to its next session consideration of the relevant amendment to the Agency’s Statute. Consequently, no amendment to the IARC Statute is being submitted for consideration by the Seventy-third World Health Assembly and a proposal will be submitted to the General Committee of the Health Assembly that the Health Assembly, in view of the changed circumstances, not consider the matter and that the reference to document A73/31 be deleted from the Agenda of the Seventy-third World Health Assembly.